Historical Heritage - Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This temple is also known as Roro Jongrang Temple which was founded around 850 AD by Wangsa Sanjaya. This temple is designated as a world cultural heritage that must be protected by UNESCO since 1991. Prambanan temple has a height of 47 meters or 5 meters higher than Borobudur temple. Prambanan temple is also called Rorojongrang Temple because it is related by a legend which is said to be believed by some people of Java. The legend tells of a prince named Bandung Bondowoso who fell in love with a princess named Rara Jongrang. Because the princess is powerless to reject her love then the princess put forward a condition that must be fulfilled Bandung Bondowoso is making the temple with the number of 1,000 statues overnight. Roro Jongrang request was agreed and almost fulfilled one night until finally Roro Jongrang asked the villagers for help pound rice to memacing the rooster to crow that day is morning. But Bandung Bondowoso know that rigged that at that time had completed 999 statues, which further cursed Roro Jongrang became a statue to the 1,000.

The visitors who want to find more information about Prambanan Temple, there is a museum located in Prambanan temple complex. The museum provides audio visual information on the history of the Prambanan temple until the restoration process is presented in full.


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